Friday, November 3, 2017

Animated .gif

My Animated .gif

My first efforts in developing my own animated .gif was coming up with a rocket surprise ending. The techniques applied and story I created was something that always happens to me whenever I am going to school. So I'd thought it'd be funny to put that same scenario to my animated rocket gif.
Rocket Surprise Ending

School Theme Coloring Club 
My school themed gif I chose was for Colony Colors
I decided on this school theme because it was the first thing that popped into my head when I was brainstorming. Finding information such as the hand and the background were from the internet. I added in the coloring and then I added the movements to make it appear as it someone was actually coloring.

My animated gif was intended to entertain my audience because to me, this gif looks entertaining and pretty cool to see the hand move and color in the blanks.

I believe the intended audience is for anyone who likes to color and spend time with friends will respond to my animation because it is a great pass time to have if one ever needs some sort of break or relax time.

I sent the gif to the Colony Colors's president and founder, Esmeralda Rosas and I have sent an email on 11/03/17 and have not yet received a response yet.

What I would do differently with my next project is trying to find the right timing for the movements and transitioning the texts.